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Welcome to my older Menominee and Marinette Shipping Photo Galleries Pages.
Here you will find photos of the ships that visited Menominee, MI and Marinette, WI from 2000 - 2008. Included are launches at Marinette Marine, the conversion of the ex-Oglebay Norton steamship, Reserve, into the barge eventually named, James L. Kuber, fishermen not using their heads, NEW ... links to the Mystery Ship, Alvin Clark, and (of course) ships.
Just click on one of the links below to see the photos from that year.
The Gordon C. Leitch drops off a huge load of pig iron at Marinette Fuel & Dock on Nov. 26, 2000.
The Catherine Desgagnes is a frequent visitor to Marinette Fuel & Dock. Here she turns around after unloading another load of pig iron on Oct. 26, 2003.
Wagenborg Shipping has become a major player in Menominee over the past few years delivering pulp and wood products and loading pulp from KK Integrated Logistics (formerly K & K Warehousing). Here, one of their bigger ships, Prinsenborg, is loading pulp at K&K Warehouse on Nov. 11, 2003.
The Vanessa C" delivered the first of many shipments of wind turbine parts to KK Integrated Logistics on Aug. 5, 2007; shipments continued until the end of the year (and also through 2008).
Photo Galleries:
Menominee/Marinette Shipping Page - Assorted Photos of ships in Menominee & Marinette from 2000 to 2002. - Be sure to check out the new 2000, 2001 and 2002 Menominee & Marinette Ships galleries below for many more photos of the ships that visited the twin ports during those years than are contained within this gallery!
2000 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Chronological photos of ships in Menominee & Marinette
2001 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Chronological photos of ships in Menominee & Marinette
2002 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Chronological photos of ships in Menominee & Marinette
2003 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Includes the tow of the Viking I to Menominee, and launches of the USCG Hollyhock and Staten Island Ferry, Guy V. Molinari, at Marinette Marine
2004 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Includes the launches of the Staten Island Ferries, Sen. John J. Marchi and Spirit of America
2005 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Includes the launch of the USCG (new) Mackinaw and onboard tours of both the old and new USCG Mackinaws
2006 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Includes Marinette Marine's launch of the tug, Brandywine, and photos of the USS Freedom with a link to a video of the launching of the U.S. Navy's new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
2007 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Includes the conversion of the ex-Oglebay Norton steamship, Reserve, into the KK Integrated Shipping barge, James L. Kuber, and the first shipments of wind turbine parts to KK Integrated Logistics
Reserve Conversion - 2007 and 2008 photos of the conversion of the ex-Oglebay Norton steamship, Reserve, into the KK Integrated Shipping barge, James L. Kuber, and the rebuilding of the tug, Victory, which was converted to push the James L. Kuber
2008 Menominee & Marinette Ships - A busy year for KK Integrated Logistics as more wind turbine towers arrived throughout the year, and other action at Marinette Fuel & Dock and Menominee Paper Company
2009 Menominee & Marinette Ships - A dismal year for shipping as only 22 commercial vessels visited Menominee & Marinette during the year; a sign that the U.S. economy was still in a lot of trouble that year.
2010 Menominee & Marinette Ships - Shipping picked up this year but is still not back to full strength as the U.S. economy continues to regain its huge loses of the past 15 months.
Video of the raising of the "Mystery Ship" - Alvin Clark
A reader sent me this link to a video found on the Great Lakes Maritime Institute (GLMI) website of the raising of the old ship from the waters of Green Bay. The wreck was discovered about midway between Menominee, MI and Chambers Island in the bay of Green Bay. The efforts began in 1968, when local diver Frank Hoffman was hired by a local commercial fisherman to free his nets from an underwater obstruction. Click Here to see the video (about 30 minutes long). Thanks to Mark Olsen for sending this interesting link!!
Here is a link to another site on the raising of the Alvin Clark. It covers the time period from the raising of the ship on July 29, 1969 to the destruction of the deteriorated hulk in May 1994.