USCG Hollyhock leads Algosea into Port of Green Bay
Algosea out past Grassy Island
Close-up of the USCG Hollyhock
USCG Hollyhock entering Fox River near the Metro Launch
Side profile
A view from slightly astern
Heading under the Tower Drive (Leo Frigo) Bridge
Tug, Indiana, heads out to the tanker
Tug, Texas, follows
The tugs head out into the bay of Green Bay
... and approach the Algosea
Close-up of the tanker and tugs
Tug, Texas, at the bow; Indiana on the stern
Approaching the mouth of the Fox River
Into the river
Tug, Texas
Heading past the Power Plant
Broadside view of the Algosea
Tug, Texas, alongside the stern
Heading up the Fox River
Turning around at the Fox River Dock
Halfway around
Turned around to head stern-first toward their dock
Wide view from the opposite side of the Fox River
Stern close-up
Clear of the bridge
Stern profile
Port-side view heading up-river
Tugs lead the Algosea toward its dock
A view from a little further up-river
Dock workers get ready to tie up the ship
Heading into the dock
Almost docked
At the dock
USCG Hollyhock tied up below Main Street Bridge
Later, Getting ready to pass first hose across to unload
Close-up of the hose dangling from an onboard "crane"
Enclosed lifeboat
The hose has been lowered to the dock
Close-up as a worker grabs the hose