Below are links to some of my favorite sites
There are a lot of good sites out there dealing with Great Lakes ships. Check out some of my favorites:

(above) The 1000-foot-long Burns Harbor fits quite snug in the Poe Lock. She is shown here on Engineer's Day 2000 departing the Poe.
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My Favorite Sites:
- ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC SITE!!! Everything you want to know about Great Lakes shipping and issues - up-dated weekly!
Know Your Ships
- Known to boatwatchers as "The Bible of Great Lakes Shipping" this book is published each year and contains tons of information about the ships that ply the Great Lakes and a lot more. A MUST HAVE FOR ALL WHO FOLLOW THE SHIPS!!!
Soo Locks Live Cameras
- Want to watch ships live at the Soo?
Great Lakes Carferries
- A website dedicated to the carferries that ply/have plied the Great Lakes. Of local note is the carferry currently docked in Menominee, Michigan, the Viking I (ex-Ann Arbor No. 7). To find information on this carferry, click on the "Ann Arbor Railroad" penant near the bottom of the Home Page of that site, then click on the "Ann Arbor No. 7 Viking" link. Enjoy!
Welland Canal Site
- News and Photos from the Welland Canal Area
- Build your own website...20MB Free Space (HERE is where I built this site)
Bowling Green State University Great Lakes Vessel Database
- An excellent database of ship history...research almost any ship past or present
Great Lakes Marine Review
- Many photos from around the Great Lakes and links to a great variety of Maritime sites...very informative site!
- Marine Photographer Paul Beesley's site with many interesting and varied ship photos (including on-board shots) 
Scott Best's Ship Photos
- Ship photos from the Upper Great Lakes Region - Very nice photos. 
Port of Green Bay
- The official Home page of the Port of Green Bay, WI
T and T (video) Productions
- "We offer custom videos of the Eastern U.P. Area, featuring the “Bottom of the Lock” DVD. This DVD is a video with original songs and sound tracks covering the dewater and rewater process of the Mac Lock filmed in June of 2004. This is a unique video showing sights that the general public never gets to see. Sample clips of the video can be viewed on our site." 
Hunts' Guide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula
- A very informative site dealing with just about every aspect of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Included are city maps, attractions, facilities and history, and much more. Be sure to check it out!!! 
Dave’s EMS Headquarters
- A very good friend has this site honoring the dedicated people who man our country's EMS (Emergency Medical Services) teams - people who we too often take for granted ... until we need their help!! This site is a wonderful tribute to these people. There is even some shipping related content ... well worth a look!!!
Great Lakes Digital Imaging
- Photos from "an amateur photographer who enjoys photographing Digital images of Great Lakes Ships, Lighthouse, Sunsets, and Ghost Towns that can be used for desktop wallpaper." 
Ships of the Mersey
- A nice photo collection of salties and tugs from the United Kingdom 
Ships and Harbors
- Image Library containing many photos for and by Merchant and Navy ships enthusiasts. 
Marine security
- More than ninety percent of world trade is transported by ship and this makes MUSC's marine security services vitally important to our client companies. 
Ships of the Great Lakes Video
- Documentary Film aboard the 1000-ft.-long Oglebay Norton (now American Integrity) by Leonard Brown. A very well done video aboard one of the Great Lakes giant ships as they carry coal into Silver Bay, Minnesota and take a load of taconite down to Indiana Harbor, Indiana. 