The tug, Jimmy L, assists the BBC Mississippi

On Sunday, May 30, the BBC Mississippi was fully unloaded by mid-afternoon. Shortly after 4 p.m., the Selvick tug, Jimmy L, which was up-river from the ship at the KK Integrated Logistics West Dock, was called to assist the ship as it moved away from the dock. A tow-line was passed from the ship to the tug; then a heavier line was attached and hauled back aboard the ship. Finally, a heavy rope line was attached to the tow "wire." Shortly before 4:30 p.m., the tug took up the strain and began to pull the stern of the ship away from the dock (the ship's bow-thruster moved the bow of the ship). Once the ship was out in the channel, the tug retrieved its line and the ship proceeded through the Ogden Street (Menekaunee) Bridge on its own. Around 4:50 p.m., the ship passed Menominee North Pier Lighthouse; but not before having to use its horn to blow a danger signal on two separate occasions as it headed out from the inner harbor ... A group of swimmers and some small craft in the area were the recipients of the danger signals..

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The tug, Jimmy L backs down-river to assist the ship
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Jimmy L still backing toward the BBC Mississippi
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A line handler lets go the final stern line
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The flag of Antigua & Barbuda flies from the ship's stern
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The tug backs in to take a tow-line from the ship
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A line is dropped from the ship
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A heavier cable is then lifted aboard the ship
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A large rope line is attached to the cable for the tow
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The tug takes up the strain and is ready to help the ship
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The tug begins to pull the stern of the ship from the dock
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A bow-thruster is used to move the bow away from the dock
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The tug positions the ship in the channel
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Close-up of the ship
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The tug backs in and takes back its tow line from the ship
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The tug moves away from the ship
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Water boils at the ship's stern as they move ahead
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The tug follows unattached
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The Ogden Street Bridge is opened for the ship
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Blasting a danger signal coming out of the inner harbor
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In between the piers
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Outbound between the range light and lighthouse
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Approaching a group of swimmers at the lighthouse (the recipients of the danger signals)

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