Image to the right: The BBC Rio Grande arrived at KK integrated Logistics on April 27 with the dock's first load of wind turbine towers since October 2008. This is just the first of many trips for the ship and its fleetmate, BBC Mississippi, scheduled for this year.
Windmill Parts Shipped To Menominee
Since August 2007, many wind turbine (windmill) parts have been shipped into KK Integrated Logistics (none in 2009) here in Menominee, MI. Mr. Steve Hinkley was kind enough to allow me to use some of his photos to show how all of these parts fit together to make a wind turbine.
Click Here to see the photos.
New "Warning To Boaters" sign - In April 2010 (Click Here to see a similar warning posted by Marinette County Sheriff Dept.), in an attempt to bring safety awareness to fishing boats which, too many times, fail to move out of the way of a moving ship in a timely fashion, the Menominee County Sheriff Dept. Marine Patrol and their counterparts in Marinette again put out these signs at all local area boat launches on the Lower Menominee River. Too many times I have watched boaters wait until the last possible moment to move out of the way of a ship entering or departing our port. Two years ago, as a ship was backing out of the Menominee River, I was at the west end of the lighthouse pier when the captain asked if I could run out ahead of him and shoo the fishing boats out of his way! Unfortunately, his ship was moving faster than I could; I told him that I would like to help, but that he would have to use his horn. Hopefully these signs will raise awareness of the dangers of such actions. Click photo to enlarge.