At sunrise the ship is out in the bay of Green Bay
Turning around to back stern-first into the river
Still turning
A view down Government Pier in Marinette
In between the piers
Passing Menominee North Pier Lighthouse
Close-up of our first-time visitor
Side view of the deckhouse
The Desgagnes symbol displayed on the stack
Close-up backing in between the piers
Making the turn into the inner harbor
Bow-on view
Turning to line up for Marinette Fuel & Dock
Straightening out to dock alongside the craneship
(L to R) William H. Donner, Zelada Desgagnes & Viling I
Wide view of Marinette Fuel & Dock and the ship
One more close-up
Another view across the east end of Marinette Fuel & Dock
Alongside the craneship as seen from the lighthouse pier
Unloading later in the afternoon
Stern close-up
A crane aboard the craneship drops a load of pig iron
Unloading later that night
Wide view from Ogden Street (Menekaunee) Bridge