Loading (viewed from hill east of KK Integrated Logistics)
The Mantsinen crane grabs a load of pulp
... and lifts it off the waiting truck
... and lowers it into one of the ship's holds
Ground-level view of the loading process
Grabbing a load of pulp from a waiting truck
Lift off!
Lowering it into one of the ship's holds
A view from the Ogden Street (Menekaunee) Bridge
Kicking the stern away from the dock around 6 p.m.
Port city has been changed from "Delzijl" to "St. John's"
Stern is coming out, bow is still at the dock
The bow comes off the dock
Straightening out
Heading for the Ogden Street (Menekaunee) Bridge
A view from the hill east of KK Integrated Logistics
Halfway through the bridge on a gorgeous night
Close-up as the stern heads through the bridge
Through the bridge and into the inner harbor
Close-up in the inner harbor
Between the lighthouse and Government piers
Beyond Menominee North Pier Lighthouse
A view from Red Arrow Beach
A view looking through the pavillion at Red Arrow Beach