Petrochem Supplier
 Close-up of the name on the port side of the barge
 Starboard side of the barge
 Selvick Tug Base & Door County Maritime Museum
 Close-up of the 111-yr.-old tug, John M. Selvick
 (Previously) unknown tug is the "Nathan" (Thanks to Kevin J & B Pennock for identifying this tug)
 Close-up of a "pusher-type" bow on the Nathan
 Stern of the newly re-painted Cason J. Callaway
 Close-up of the newly re-painted Charles M. Beeghly
 Sterns of the Beeghly, John Sherwin and Callaway
 The Sam Laud was re-painted earlier in the year
 Wilfred Sykes
 Another view of the Wilfred Sykes
 Philip R. Clarke and Wilfred Sykes
 The Philip R. Clarke was not here the last time I was here
 Bow view of the Philip R. Clarke
 Wide view of the newly re-painted Pathfinder
 Close-up of the bow of the barge, Pathfinder
 Bow view of the newly re-painted Cason J. Callaway
 The Buffalo is also looking good
 Callaway, Sherwin, Beeghly and Arthur M. Anderson bows
 "Interlake Steamship Co." in very small letters on Beeghly
 Buffalo, Dorothy Ann and Cason J. Callaway
 The American Century is being re-painted in AmShip colors
 Paul R. Tregurtha
 Mesabi Miner
 American Century and fleetmates Tregurtha and Miner