The first truck comes from behind Fibrek
The escorts take up position
The truck comes up a hill on lower 10th Street
Rear view of the convoy
A second truck makes a right turn along the truck route
This turn is more difficult than coming from behind Fibrek
The turn is almost complete
A third truck shows up from the route behind Fibrek
The second truck comes up the hill with a bundle of blades
The second truck has made the turn onto 10th Avenue
The third truck approaches 10th St./10th Ave. intersection
Coming into the turn at the intersection
Notice that the cab of the truck is beyond the curbing
I half expected the 2 vehicles to back up out of the way
But they didn't have to do so
The truck makes the turn even with the tight quarters
Safely through the intersection
Rear view of the truck with its bundle of blades
Another escort vehicle brings up the rear