Pilings - This is all that remains of the old Ann Arbor Carferry Dock near the lighthouse and the mouth of the Menominee River (looking back toward where the dock used to be; the area is now a boat launch)
Pilings - Even the pilings are slowly rotting away, just as the carferry service gradually disappeared more than a few years ago.
Boat Launch - This is what the area where the old Ann Arbor Carferry Dock used to be looks like today.
Old Milwaukee Road Depot - Along the truck route on the southeast side of Menominee
MR Depot - A view of the building with part of the old brick platform showing
MR Depot - Close-up showing where some of the brick platform still remains
MR Depot - The southwest edge of the old brick platform
MR Depot - A view of the building from a different angle
MR Depot - Another view of this historic depot
MR Depot - One last view of the classic depot - NOTE: There is a similar depot in Marinette, which has been newly renovated in recent years Click Here to go there
MR Depot - The owner is in the process of renovating the building on Aug. 4, 2009
MR Depot - The west end of the building is repainted and the south side is being worked on
MR Depot - The north side of the old depot will also get a touch-up
MR Depot - The painting is progressing and the building is looking good on Aug. 12, 2009 
MR Depot - On Sept.11, I walked around the building photographing it starting with the northeast corner. 
MR Depot - The outside restoration is almost complete. 
MR Depot - The owner has put a lot of time into this project. 
MR Depot - A view from the southwest showing the building and the old platform 
MR Depot - Looking at the building and platform from the other end of the platform 
MR Depot - Close-up of the newly re-painted Milwaukee Road Depot 
MR Depot - A view of the west side of the newly painted building with a "For Sale" sign displayed 
MR Depot - Close-up of the "For Sale" sign 
Random Scenes From Peshtigo, WI
Photos of Badger Park, the "draining" of the Peshtigo River in order to inspect and repair (if necessary) the dam on the Peshtigo River, and more
Click Here to view the photos. To return to this page from within the slide show - hit the UP-facing arrow (when viewing any individual photo) to go back to the thumbnails page and then click on "Return to Menominee & Marinette Parks & Things".
Peshtigo Bridge Replacement Project
In June 2012, after schools were closed for the summer, the old bridge over the Peshtigo River in the center of town was torn down. It is in the process of being replaced by a newer bridge. The Peshtigo River has been drawn way down, as they will be doing some work on the footings of the dam at the same time. I will try to get over there from time to time this summer to see what progress is being made. Here are some photos of the project from July 3:
Bridge Out - I am standing on the south end of the old roadway leading to the bridge (looking north)
Dam - Looking down-river at the dam
Further up-river - Looking down-river at the bridge and dam areas
Peshtigo River - Looking up-river at a drawn down river
Peshtigo River - Zoomed in view of the area near Badger Park from the old roadway leading to the bridge
Forlorn sign - "No Lifeguard On Duty" ... how about "No River In Sight"?
Peshtigo River - Looking down-river from Badger Park
Peshtigo River - Looking up-river from Badger Park
Peshtigo River - Looking further up-river from Badger Park
Forlorn Dock - Yup! The river is generally high enough for that dock to be useable!
Peshtigo River - All of the area showing sand is normally covered by the river (looking down-river from Badger Park)
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