Special rail cars to hold the tower sections
Two mobile cranes prepare to lift a tower section
Coordination is critical
The opposite end comes free
The tower will be kept as level as possible during lift
wide view as the section is lifted
The tower is twisted to pass between the cranes
The next few frames are self-explanitory
The tower section is positioned over the rail car
Positioning is extremely important
Coordinating the lowering onto the rail car
Holes around tower section must line up with holes on car
I didn't realize the importance of the truck (see below)
It carries a pneumatic hammer to the project
Much coordintaing was done as the section was lowered
Chains are tightened at one end of the tower section
Close-up of the bolts used to anchor section to rail car
Snugging up the chain
Chains are brought ot the other end of the rail car
KK Integrated Logistics' Vice President (pink hardhat) looks on
A welder works on another rail car
The twoer section is well-trussed!
Cranes disengage as section is firmly on the rail car
The second crane's hook comes free
There is a bit more maneuvering to be done ...
... as the mounts are tightened
35 sections will be moved at this time
Another section rests on a car on a siding in the yard
This is a "Lower Middle" tower section
Broadside view of the "Lower Middle" tower section
Close-up of the section bolted to the rail car
The bolts are massive
Close-up of the section
The section is securely fastened down
The tower section is bolted to this brace on the rail car
Another look at the specail rail cars
There are no traditional "couplers" on these rail cars
Close-up of the connector between rail cars